Life is too short to wait , live your life .

Thursday 10 November 2016








ID NO :  0318937
               MR. MAX OSMAN


On 21th September 2016, Ms Noorseah brief us about these projects for Kompleks Penyayang Bakti and also Persatuan Pemulihan Orang-Orang Cacat Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan. After grouping section in class, our group decided to do the outdoor design for Kompleks Penyayang Bakti.

Pic. 1 The address of Kompleks Penyayang Bakti

On 19th October 2016, we need to present for our class that what we going to do for our site. So, we did some sketches and researches for the ideas among ourselves and combined together into a presentation slides. Throughout six ideas that we showed, Ms Noorseah and Mr Max suggested us to do brick bench and also recycle bottle plants.
Pic 2. Idea 3 from our presentation slides

Pic 3. Idea 6 from our presentation slides

Moreover, after time management and discussion, Mr Max snatch a little time to bring few of us which from our group- Outdoor and also Indoor group members to the site. Due to each of our group have ten members, so Mr Max decided just go there for a short visit and take some measurement. On 21th October 2016, from our group members me myself Soh Wei Xin, Tay Yii Min and Susanti as representative for outdoor group to Kompleks Penyayang Bakti. Besides, from indoor group Fana and Mathuri were also going to site visit with us as well. After a short meeting with the person in charge of Kompleks Penyayang Bakti, Ms Anizah then we started to see our site, take pictures and measurements so on. It took around two hours to have meeting and site visit for outdoor and indoor parts.

Pic 4. Meeting with Ms Anizah to discuss about the design of outdoor and indoor
Pic 5. Measuring our site (outdoor group)
Pic 6. Taking note and measure for our site (outdoor group)

Pic 7. Ms Anizah managed a van to bring us go their indoor site

Pic 8. We were listening what she required indoor group to do for them

Pic 9. They were measuring the whiteboard area

After that, we discuss with our group members and listed down what we need to buy and prepare for next steps.

And this is the list of the source materials that we need to buy or collect:
Flower Bottle Pot
·         Rope (100m)
·         Recycle Bottles (60pcs)
·         Soil
·         Plants
·         Spray Paint
·         Joint Wood (2pcs)
·         Fertilizer
·         Nails
·         Ventilation Blocks (4pcs)
·         Wood planks (2pcs)
·         Cement
·         Sand

On 28th October 2016, we went to find materials together. Since all the materials we can get at Kepong area, so we meet up together at Sueyi’s house and starting to find our materials in different hardware shops. At first, we bought rope, spray paint, nails and two pieces of joint wood in a hardware shop. By the way, we still need to find the ventilation blocks and the wood planks that suitable for outdoor seats, and it was really hard to find. We went to five or six hardware shops but none of them are selling that. And we suddenly remember that we need to buy cement and also the spoon to scrub the cement, so that we went to another hardware shop to buy that. From that hardware shop- Lysen, the lady boss told us their factory selling that, so we turned to the factory which selling ventilation bricks, wood planks, sand, stone and so on. After explain with the boss there, then he suggested us to use which kind of bricks and also the wood planks. He told us the process of make the ventilation blocks stick together by using cement and sand mixture, how to make it stable. After bought most of that, we went to a gardening shop to choose flowers and buy the plants that suitable live in the bottle. We choose four types of plants which can mix in same soil and bottle.

Pic 10. Discussing the sizes of wood planks

Pic 11. Choosing spray paint colors  

Pic 12. We went to Lysen hardware’s factory

Pic 13. Discussing with the boss of sizes, and also asking for discount from him

Pic 14. The worker was showing us how to break the ventilation blocks

Pic 15. Moving all the stuff to car

Pic 16. Choosing the species of plants

Pic 17. Asking to reduce cost for the plants

Pic 18 & 19. The plants that chosen by us

The next day, 29th October 2016. We all brought at least seven pieces 1.5 litre bottles meet up in campus to make the bottles that we need to use for Sunday. Although the looks of our design looks simple, but make it stable and straight in a line is another thing that we need to consider. That was not easy because we spent for ten hours on that day to make all the bottles done. After short discussion in class, we started to draw a simple template on each bottle. Besides, we separate our works. Some of us cleaning and drying the bottles, some of them cutting and marking the bottles, Jiayee and I were drilling all the hole of the bottles to let them easier to cut the bottles, the hole of ropes and also the ventilation holes for plants watering and breathing systems. During the process, some of us spraying the bottles and let it dry. Having our late lunch around 4pm, went back to class and start to arrange to color of bottles from row to row. Tied up and hanged it to make it stable and straight or the bottle will slanted when it fill with soil and plants. Done all the bottles and it already around 9pm. Cleaned up our class, listed down and confirmed what we need to bring for tomorrow.

Pic 20. Cleaning the bottles

Pic 21. Discussing how we start and do

Pic 22. Making templates to the bottles

Pic 23. We were drilling the holes onto those bottles
Pic 24. Spraying the bottles and let it dry

Pic 25. Discussing the colors and arrangement of bottles

Pic 26. Our classmate Zachary helped me to balance the bottles as well

Pic 27. Arranged the color in rows  

Pic 28. Clean our class and keep all the stuff together  

On 30th October 2016, we went to Kompleks Penyayang Bakti and start installation around 930am. Same as yesterday, we separated works to make it faster. At first, we trimmed the grass that on our gazebo area. Since we forgot to bring hay knife, so we can only pull up weeds by using hands. After that, some of them mixed up the cement for the furniture; some of them lacquer the wood planks and soften it by using sand paper; Susanti nailed all the nails on the solid timber of gazebo; Me and some of them were doing the planting into the bottles, separated and mixed up different species of plants and beautify it; After all, we hanged the plants in line and arrangement. Besides, some of them were nailing the wood planks that need to secure the bottles and make it stable in line. And I put in coffee fertilizer to all of the bottles that we done. Besides, some of us were cleaning the bottles since parts of it were dirty because of soil. Furniture was done at the moment, they used cement to stick the ventilation blocks, let it dry and slot in the wood planks for seating. In the ending, we cleaned up the floor and picked up all the rubbish around there. Before leaving, all of us taking pictures with our ‘products’. And we left Kompleks Penyayang Bakti around 530pm, and said goodbye with some residents at there.

Pic 29. Moving all the stuff to gazebo  

Pic 30. We were pulling the grass  

Pic 31. Filled and mixed the plants with soil into the bottles

Pic 31. Progressing

Pic 32. Catherine was sandpapering the wood planks

Pic 33. Lacquer the wood planks
Pic 34. Scrub the cement to joint the ventilation blocks

Pic 35. Double check all the hanged bottles stable or not

Pic 36. Esther and Jiayee slot in the wood planks into the ventilation blocks

Pic 37. I put coffee fertilizer into all the bottles

Pic 38. Vivian and I touched up and clean all the bottles

Pic 39. The residents enjoyed around the gazebo and see what we did for them

Pic 40. The final looks of the plants

Pic 41. Our furniture design

Pic 42. The outlook of our bottles planting design  

Pic 43. Kids that came to approach with us when we doing works

Pic 44. Group picture with furniture that taken by the resident there

Pic 45. Group picture with gazebo that taken by the resident there

Throughout this activity, I have been followed up with all the process that we did. From discussion to meeting, I learnt how to communicate with person in charge and also ‘sell’ our ideas to her. From all the progress, I learnt to co-operate with all the group members, share and discuss our ideas, be punctual when meeting, how to make this and that, how to plant and so on. From all and all, I felt appreciate because we are really lucky to have a good environment for living. The people in Kompleks Penyayang Bakti have a lot kinds of people, elders, orphans, homeless and so on. I am very happy that I have a chance to help them by doing these little parts of their home. Even though we only spent around 30 hours in this activity, but at least we can give something for them. We were talking with some residents at the moment we planting or doing furniture, they are so friendly and thankful as well. And the end, I hope that the residents can enjoy with the environment that we did for them.